divorce lawyer
Divorce is the legal termination of the marriage relationship. The divorce process is carried out by family law attorneys (each separated spouse chooses his own lawyer) and covers a range of topics from property sharing to child custody. While it is important to hire a lawyer who is dominating your economic and other interests in

What is Overwork?

fazla çalışma
Overtime is the work done for the benefit of the employer over the legal working time of the worker or the working time determined by the employment contract. Article 63 of the Labor Law No. 4857 regulates that the legal weekly working time is 45 hours. According to the Labor Regulation on Overwork; In this
vasiyetname nedir
The law allows people to regulate to whom and how their assets will remain after their deaths under certain circumstances. This is called death-related savings. What is a Will? It is called a testament to explain the declaration of will, either verbally or in writing, to be given to the person or persons whom he
Melda Merve Tekcan (Tekcan Law Firm) in Turkey provides legal services to its clients in every field with expert attorneys and lawyers in Istanbul. In the intricate world of Turkish law, finding your way through legal complexities demands expertise and experience. Melda Merve Tekcan (Tekcan Law Firm) is your steadfast ally, offering a comprehensive suite